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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Finally, Nokia Pinang Microsoft

Late last week, Nokia has officially announced its partnership with Microsoft. So, later on Microsoft Windows Phone going to be a major platform for smartphone Nokia output. This cooperation is carried out following the market goyahnya him this giant in the market thanks to Apple and Google Android invasion. Next to this is speculation about how Microsoft-Nokia smartphone look later.

Although Nokia with Symbiannya still holds the largest market in the world, but for the smartphone market, Nokia market really threatened jka not quickly adjust. Similarly with Microsoft, though it was launched WindowsPhone7 more attractive and leave the impression of Windows Mobile that is too "serious", but the OS is still not showing significant resistance on Apple and Google's dominance in the smartphone market.

Nokia CEO, Stephen Elop in his presentation at the Mobile World Congress, Barcelona, says, "Microsoft is contributing to substantial monetary value of Nokia ... Some people think these values are worth millions or tens of millions of dollars ... (But) the size is a billion dollars instead of millions of dollars," he explained optimistic, as quoted by Reuters.

Elop had just left Microsoft and Nokia to take over the position of the peak in September. This fact necessarily make a number of rumors and speculation in some media that there was interest behind the move to Nokia's Elop.


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