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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Coming Soon HTC ChaCha in Indonesia

In less than a week, HTC Corporation will present a 'smartphone Facebook'  HTC ChaCha into the Indonesian market.

Berpapan QWERTY keyboard smartphone comes with a combination of 2.6-inch touch screen also comes with a row of neat features, such as quick access to social networks that are served through a special button at the bottom of the device.

Judging from the features that will be brought, the presence of HTC ChaCha is expected to bring its own uniqueness.

Targeting smartphones for users who are 'hooked' to access social networking site Facebook has the ability to send pictures and status updates more quickly with the presence of a Facebook button at the bottom of its QWERTY keyboard.

This smartphone will be priced how much is unknown. For that we just wait on the launch, the upcoming July 12, 2011.


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