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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Save Battery Tips

For those who have a habit for hours with the phone, of which the main enemy is none other than the battery out ngedrop alias.

If it ngedrop, so be it. Obviously, must wait for hours to recharge. Relakan your enjoyment and comfort cut for several hours. Moreover, if the battery is discharged at an important moment or in the way, upset the liver makes.

And you know, it is often not due to low battery dipake often called. Rather, there are some features and services at participating mobile phone battery consuming you.

So to avoid Happenings ¸ sepert's boring, here are some ways to reduce the use of menhindari and battery on your phone. Following description: Remove the display light
Remove the lamp is a good idea if the phone screen in a darkened room or dim. This will just help to reduce the use of battery power which is absorbed by these lights. Moreover, the existence of the display light in low-light room is not too crucial. Because the main light in a phone are quite capable of supporting the required light phone.

Reduce volume
More responsibility to listen to music from the radio, mp3 or video, so do not lower your battery volume lavishly. Of course, the battery will be more efficient if multimedia was turned off.

Check Email Manual
In most smart phone users are pampered with push email service. But you know, if the service was sucking energy. Now, select which phone you're so smart 'dead' due to low battery, or phone remain prime, although you have to manually check email.

Oops, do not forget to turn off the wireless network
Check your phone, whether wireless network is active or not. If it is active, immediately turn off. Often we forget to disable Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Pengkatifan wireless networks will suck the battery energy.

Check Battery
For smartphone users, this can be done by installing the battery energy indicator applications. There are several applications that inform the condition of your phone battery.

For example, iPhone users can use applications and myBatteryLife Battery Go. Both these applications inform how the remaining battery energy and to predict how your phone can menitkah sucked for telephon, play music, videoa atapun online.
Thus even with BlackBerry fans. NB Applications can be installed in order to BattStat can help you find out how long the battery can survive and the extent to which the heat temperature. Hopefully bermanfaat./N2


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