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Monday, April 26, 2010

Android Can Road in the iPhone

IPhone hacker and member Devteam Planetbeing seems to have succeeded in configuring the Android for mobile phones jammed on the iPhone. They use OpeniBoot, a Linux bootloader 2.6, which could work with the first and second generation iPhone (2G).

The result, mobile phone iPhone is able to walk using Android, despite appearing in a dual boot system: Android and iPhone. Thus, the user will just choose which system will be operated.

Planetbeing acknowledge that the Android OS is embedded in the iPhone does not have any decent quality and performance are produced for the iPhone. Only the most evident features of the iPhone could run on Google's operating system. Call it Wi-Fi connection, searching and browsing the web.

Furthermore, the addition of Adobe Flash into the iPhone Android is believed to boost its capabilities, though not known for sure. Meanwhile, the 'research' conducted limited on the iPhone 2G and 3G devices. Certainly, for tinkering with 3GS version will be like this would need more time.

via electronista


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