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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Samsung S3653W, Corby Touch WiFi

Samsung returned spawn products Anyar order complement ranks series Corby his. This time namely S3653W Corby, which represents version Wi-Fi from Corby Touch 'standard'.

Not far differences with relatives Samsung Star (S5233), which notabene has a twin were WiFi (S5233W) overall feature Corby WiFi This still spelled similar with previous version. Even, from design concept well traits physique spelled same.

So to latest version this, Samsung S3653W only strengthened support devices wireless Wi-Fi. Nothing other Additional. Alhasil, could mentioned here that Samsung S3653W Corby still pinning camera 2 MP, touchscreen capasitive 262K colors (QVGA) fairish 2.8 inches. There also player MP3 and video, radios FM until Bluetooth stereo (A2DP)


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