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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Firmware Update for re Aino Present

This is the second time Sony Ericsson is rolling the latest firmware for type Aino (U10i). In this latest firmware, later will bring advantages in terms of power usage, which is much less (saving power). Besides it would increase stability. Also, adding three new themes are more interesting.

This new firmware fixes through the later will also offer a new video codec support (MIME-type, MPEG4-generic), raising the performance of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Gaming sector also increased, through a new game: The Bubble Town 2.

Actually, it's so Sony Ericsson's commitment to provide a firmware update for the product line portfolio. Early last year, as we already know the firmware update was presented to Satio, Yari and Xperia X2.

X2 Series has been updated with video capabilities and FM radio to call him. Satio updated up to WVGA video recording capability, performance uploaded to YouTube and Facebook and DLNA support. For Yari, has acquired two new games and the addition of extra battery life.

And, just recently Sony Ericsson is committed to menyedikan firmware update for the type Xperia X10, with a plan to carry the Android 2.1. Later, the X10 will acquire the ability to record HD video to be qualified.

To find out more information about the Sony Ericsson firmware update, visit


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