affiliate marketing

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

XL Nets Best Indonesian Community Through IBA

XL Indonesia again held Achievement Award Program (IBA), the fourth time. This time XL add new categories namely category of groups or communities. Earlier, at three times the implementation of IBA, XL only hold an individual category.

Meanwhile, based on the field, this time in 2010 IBA consists of science and technology, and social entrepreneurship, and arts and culture. IBA 2010 is open to the public. In general, the provisions for either individuals or groups of candidates, among others, is having a tangible product which has proven benefits for the wider community. For individual candidates, expected age of less than 40 years.

This time the jury consisted of Prof. Anggara Umar Jenie (LIPI), DR. Ninok Leksono, Adrie Subono (Employers), Dr Imam B Prasodjo (sociologist), Atiqah Hasiholan (actress), Dian Siswarini (XL Network Director).


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