Froyo not been officially released for Android-based phones, which while only for the Nexus One. However, the attention of connoisseur Android OS seems to have been transferred to the next version, ie 3.0 Gingerbread Android.
This new operating system is rumored to have the minimum requirements for hardware that will be loaded with the latest Android OS, given from the user interface has been experiencing major changes.
As a result, these phenomena make the Android separated into two segments. From the analysis of the pulse quotation from mobile-review, Android 3.0 Gingerbread more recommended for high-end phones, with specification of the CPU 1 GHz and 512 MB of RAM. Also, the minimum 3.5-inch screen. Meanwhile, for Android 1.2 Eclair/2.2 Froyo recommended for this type of mid-range and low-end. Android parties do not argue with the results of the analysis.
Talking about the ability of the operating system Android 3.0 Gingerbread, claimed support for screen resolution 1280 x 760 pixels, with dimensions of 4 inches or more screens. If this is true, certain to be higher quality than the screen iPad, which is limited to a density of 1024 x 768. Well, from this side of Android-based tablet PC will have interesting advantages. And, it should be able to be used as a weapon to compete.
Gingerbread v3.0 Andrioid expected mid-October will be launched. Vendors who will adopt it was not yet known. However, many are hoping that the first phone that uses the Nexus Gingerbread One.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Gingerbread Android v3.0, Recommended for High-end mobile phone

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