iPhone 4 white version is not yet out. However, for the luxury version of this color is available for last-generation phone from Apple. Is a diamond editions, featuring a display iPhone 4 in white casing plus a sprinkling of diamonds on the side this body.
As quoted from gsmarena, iPhone, this luxurious 4 produced is limited, ie only 50 units. IPhone is a luxury because a handful of diamond-coated glow, specially designed by Stuart Hughes. In addition the frame and the Apple logo on the back of solid platinum bertahtakan. Equivalent to 6.5 carat diamond.
The presence of four Diamond Edition iPhone is arguably a luxury version of the previous tow, namely the iPhone 4 Gresso Exclusive Edition, which appears in a black cover.
IPhone buyers will be given this luxury leather wallet from ostrich legs, which can accommodate up to four credit cards. However, to get this luxury phone buyers have to spend their money in which some 20,000 extra American dollars.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
iPhone 4 White Diamond Editions, Dibanderol U.S. $ 20,000

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