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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Silicon Power Velox V20: Just 13 Seconds to Boot Windows

TAIPEI, WEDNESDAY - It feels so annoyed when I have to wait quite a long time Windows boots. But if you use SSD (solid state disk), rather than a hard disk, boot times of Windows that can be cut significantly.

With Silicon Power SSD Velox V20 series, you just have to wait about 13 seconds for the Windows boot and programs ready for use. As soon as the claim that tests its own Silicon Power SSD performance newest.

Using cutting-edge controller technology SandForce DuraClass, Velox V20 with a capacity of 40GB is said to present the maximum read speed of 285MB / s and write speed of 275MB / s. For its performance remains excellent and there's no 'rubbish' piling up of the process of erase / write files over and over, Velox V20 has supported technology TRIM Command and Garbage Collection. This strengthens support DuraClass technology that can extend the life of the SSD to 5 years.

Silicon Power SSD Velox V20 is available in four capacities: 40GB, 60GB, 120GB and 240GB. Product dimension 69.85 × 9.4 mm 100x is warranted for 3 years. He may be installed on PCs and notebooks. In packaging already included bracket adapter 3.5 "to help install on a PC.


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