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Friday, May 27, 2011

Google Wallet and Offers, Make Like a Mobile Wallet

Recently, Google announced its two latest service, Google Wallet and Google Offers. Both these services will change the way we are in terms of shopping and will bring us to the big change in terms of trade.

For example, Google Wallet, Android applications are present thanks to the pinned NFC chip, which is now mostly found in some smartphones and predicted the future will be a lot of smartphones already have this feature.

Google Offers The application is an application that is still associated with Google Wallet. Google Offers can be utilized by users when making a purchase at certain stores the designated number, the user will receive a special coupon or points, where points can be used in the future. In short, Google has a purpose like Groupon Offer, which is the leader in discount offers and transactions.

Both applications are still in the testing phase for several months.


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