Located in the Pacific Ballroom 1, The Ritz Carlton Jakarta, Indosat launched its newest service, Indosat Mobile. Service with the tagline 'Turn Suksesmu' is presented Indosat to support mobility and provide solutions for customers, especially employees and entrepreneurs to communicate and obtain complete information to support their success in work.
"Indosat Mobile, the latest breakthrough for customer service as our commitment to continue to attempt to understand the specific needs of customers, especially for the employees and entrepreneurs. Among employees and entrepreneurs do not have to worry about to communicate and make phone calls to all operators during office hours to support their work productivity. "Said Director & Chief Commercial Officer of Indosat, Laszlo Imre Barta.
Indosat Mobile Services provides a variety of comfort and excess crate bebeas calling and SMS to all operators, free access to data, and can choose the desired own numbers. This service is applicable for prepaid and postpaid subscribers and can be owned by memberli SP (stater pack) Cards Indosat.
For pre-paid package, customers are given the freedom to choose one of three packages available, namely packet Daily, Weekly Package and Monthly packages by registering via * 888 # or type: Daily / Weekly / Monthly send to 888. As for postpaid subscribers, are provided with a monthly package of registration to the nearest Indosat Gallery.
Not quite got there, Indosat Mobile also brings other advantages, the form of services Indosat World. This service is an integrated portal service that allows subscribers to access various services such as online registration, info balance / billing, news, financial info, m-banking and games via mobile phones. Indosat World Applications can be obtained by downloading the user via * 888 # or type iworld send to 888.
Following the service pack Indosat Mobile:
| Day | Week | Month |
Telephone To fellow To Other Operator |
150 minute - |
200 minute 20 minute |
1.000 minute 100 minute |
Message | 150 | 200 | 1.000 |
Internet | 1 MB | 6 MB | 30 MB |
Cosh | Rp. 2.000 | Rp. 12.000 | Rp. 50.000 |
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