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Monday, May 23, 2011

This is RIM's Response Regarding the news Italic Sales Playbook

As if not received by the news 'tilt' and returns related to sales of the BlackBerry Playbook. Playbook RIM as the manufacturer finally responded to the news.

RIM as quoted PULSAonline via BGR, say sources in the reports is anonymous and unknown RIM, but the comment was certainly not consistently with the 'feedback' that we receive from our major retail partners.

Do not leave it at that, to further strengthen the rebuttal, it also delivered a public statement that indicated by Best Buy.

"Best Buy had great success selling BlackBerry smartphones in North America, so our expectations for sales of the BlackBerry Playbook very high. Currently, we have far exceeded their expectations and we find that customers are more interested in buying after they tried Playbook at the store."

Legitimate indeed, what is done by RIM-related news that clung tilted his tablet PC's. However, despite appreciate comments from the RIM, BGR site has remained doubtful that the Playbook at Best Buy's sales have exceeded expectations.


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