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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Samsung chaton Available for BlackBerry

Cross-platform messaging service claim, Samsung, chaton, is now available for the BlackBerry platform. Except for a limited time while still working for the BlackBerry Torch 9800. For other types of BlackBerry products are still in the process of construction, and will soon follow, according to information from sammyhub PULSAonline quotation.

Chaton will allow BlackBerry users to communicate one on one, group chat, support for attachments (attachment), supports emoticons and other features between fellow users chaton. There is now available for Android platform, IOS, Bada and the web.

If previously reported chaton not include Windows Phone platform, is now based on the Samsung is the latest information in an effort to prepare, which is planned to be present in the next few weeks.

Chaton This seems to be to compete with similar applications that are also popular, such as WhatsApp.

For users of BlackBerry Torch 9800, for a taste please access this link.


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