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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

LG: Google Will Announce Nexus 4 and Android 4.2 on October 29

The rumors about the Nexus smartphone LG will diungkapnya 4 on Monday, October 29th ending next week after it is confirmed by the LG senidiri.

As quoted PULSAonline via PhoneArena, LG reportedly has confirmed that Google will unveil Nexus 4 on the 29th October.

"Google will unveil the LG Nexus on October 29 and the phone will be available in the Indian market by the end of November," says Amit Gujral, as Product Planner LG Mobile.

LG Nexus 4 as said Gujral, will come with a 4.7-inch screen and will be orchestrated by a quad-core 1.5 GHz speed.

As will diungkapnya new Nexus smartphone, Google was rumored to be mengummkan latest version of Android 4.2. Interestingly, LG is also rumored to have confirmed it.

Android 4.2 than would naturally increase the security sector, will also come with a new Gmail app, quick setting panel, as well as several other enhancements.


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