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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Lockitron, Door Locks Use Mobile

You are in a place, while the family was home first but can not go home because it was locked?

Maybe you need these products, Lockitron. Lockitron digital is a key product in which to open it, you do not have to insert the key manually, but by using a smartphone, you know?

With Lockitron, you who were far off even to open the door to give access to anyone you want. This technology certainly take advantage of the Internet.

A variety of Android smartphones to the iPhone can be used and in accordance with the system Lockitron. If you do not possess a smartphone, you can still unlock it by using SMS messaging. Application Lockitron also supports NFC technology. So, you can simply wave your smartphone that supports NFC in front Lockitron to open the door.

For those interested, the Lockitron open Lockitron preorder for $ 149. But you have to be patient, new Lockitron available in May 2013.


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