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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Scorpion fs 26 S-Pedelec, Electric Trike unique design

Dependence on fuel used in vehicles, making the designer world to create transport using alternative energy. One is the electrical energy that is now being applied to vehicles both cars, motorcycles and bicycles.

Previously we have discussed Mando Footlose Bike, there is now a new electric bike is uniquely designed with 3 wheels for support and make electricity as the main energy source.

Is Scorpion FS 26 S Pedelec, which can run on electricity via mechanical plus conventional pedal. HP designed this trike adopts Velotchnik automotive technology. Unique design, which put two wheels on the front and one wheel on the back, not like the trike in general.

Full-suspension suspension power, the technology framework that was adopted from the automotive sector, which is able to guarantee comfort and security to users. Consequently, the Scorpion fs 26 S-Pedelec can run smoothly both on a bumpy path though.

Trike is equipped with an electric motor, which allows the movement to reach speeds of 45 mph (28 kmh). Power source is obtained from the 48-volt battery Li-Mn, which can be refilled with a capacity of 423Wh. Brake system uses hydraulic disc brakes.

Fun, to improve comfort in driving, this trike was carrying on his back an ergonomic chair models. Here the folding design, it is possible for the user to store it easily without the need for a large space.

Electric trike Scorpion fs 26 S-Pedelec expected to be available in early 2013, with a price of around 6990 euros or about 7495 USD (Rp72 million). Woww ... quite expensive indeed. Here, however, you certainly would not have to waste money to buy fuel oil / gas. Also, help support the blue sky program.


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