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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

British Regulator Welcomes Ready 5G

UK regulator Ofcom mobile networks ready to welcome the fifth generation (5G), although only limited new term auction for 4G. Currently, regulators are planning to utilize the spectrum in the 700 MHz frequency to ensure adequate capacity in order to deal with the future needs of mobile data. Ofcom estimates that mobile data usage will increase 80 times from 2012 until 2030, after the mobile data consumption more than doubled from 9 million in 2011 to GB 20 GB in 2012.

Quoted from, although the frequency of 700 MHz is currently used digital TV 'terrestrial', Ofcom believes blend spectrum planned for Europe may mean there is a new frequency that will be released. When completed the transition to digital, will likely be released 800 MHz spectrum previously used for analog TV 4G welcome.

Previous BBC reported that Ofcom team has successfully developed a technique for the delivery of data at 20 GB per second using the technology 'Optical Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing'.


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