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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Japanese Developer arrested, Because They Put Virus application

Today Japanese police have arrested some developers, because the virus entering into their Android applications. It's no secret if an application in android many suspected and detected virus.

What is surprising is the number of people who were deceived by the applications they create. According to Japanese police, who initially suspected virus-infected apps 90.000, but the fact is more than 10 million pieces of information, apart from applications that have been infected with a virus. According to Google Play, even some of the infected apps have been downloaded 270,000 times.

Developers are usually made ​​application with the name of the game similar to the game that has been popular, and adding certain words to draw attention as "The Movie". For example, the name "Angry Birds: The Movie.", Thus making the user wants to download the application. For that, you have to make sure each application to be downloaded. How can look at information about this application on Google, if the application is worth more prior to download and install on Android phones.


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