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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hundreds of Thousands Pull HP Notebook Batteries

According to a report from the Consumer Product Safety Commission United States, HP (Hewlett-Packard) asked to withdraw more than 70,000 notebook batteries from the market. This withdrawal applies to Compaq and HP products are sold throughout August 2007 until March 2008.

Withdrawal reasons (recall) is linked on the reports that lithium-ion battery which is bundled with the notebook is detected can overheat, potentially triggering a fire and injuring users. Some cases have occurred despite the injuries allegedly caused was not too serious.

This battery recall incident reminds us of similar incidents, which hit Sony laptop batteries that are issued starting from the year 2007.

Now, the latest news to inform you that HP again attract more than 54 000 notebook battery. Some types of batteries are troubled that the old types like dv2000, dv6000, dv9000 and Compaq portable notebooks that are produced from August 2007 until July 2008. It starts from the 38 statements about the laptop battery fire sprinkled. And, 11 cases of them causing injuries to the user.

Due to this withdrawal, HP promised to provide replacement batteries free of charge to the batteries is problematic. If you want to check your HP notebook batteries, please input the data in the, hopefully your laptop battery is not included in the list of 'problematic'.


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