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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Apple and Microsoft's Backward Step?

Not every product launch goes well, as experienced by two top mobile manufacturers: Apple and Microsoft. These two popular vendors are facing some problems in its products and could be a warm conversation lately.

Apple The launch of the iPhone 4 has become headline news lately. Many new and interesting features that accompany its presence. Among other things, the iPhone 4 has two integrated antennas, which are intended to improve cellular reception or WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS. Physically, this antenna consists of two metal strips that are stored separately from each other. And, lately, this sector has been criticized for design flaws.
These problems exist in the separator between the two antennas, which when 'held' cause cellular signals drop by itself. It's known, human skin here is slightly conductive, so that when holding the iPhone the wrong way could cause things are going.

Apple's response to the "disabled", where he called on its users so as not holding the phone in such a way they considered comical. As a result, this weakness was exploited by Apple competitors such as Nokia to tackle these products on the market.

Rumors that Apple developed it claimed would improve the 'bug' software to overcome the hardware problem is very complicated antenna. And, the results are also difficult to say whether the 'defects' such an impact on sales of Apple products. But of course, weakness is clearly embarrassing.
A moment with what had happened to Apple with its iPhone four, as did Microsoft with its KIN. KIN phone initially launched and marketed as a social networking device, with a series of innovative software that was quite promising.
However, according to reports its sales figures are just over 500 units across the U.S., and is the lowest sales figures for Microsoft. Section, plus the high price tag of the inability to run additional applications are valued as a major problem on this Microsoft besutan KIN phone.

Finally, Microsoft also cancel the launch of this phone for the European market. And, the plan will rest KIN human resources development for the betterment of the team digelontorkan Windows Phone 7.

A spokesman for Microsoft said to Mobile Gazette: "Microsoft has made the decision to focus on the release of Windows Phone 7 and will not sell KIN in Europe this fall as planned. In addition, we integrate the team with a team of Windows Phone KIN seventh, incorporating ideas valuable ideas and technologies from KIN to release a Windows Phone to the future. we will continue to work with Verizon Wireless in the United States that currently sell phones KIN. "

The future of Microsoft in the mobile phone business is now located on the Windows Phone 7. If Windows Phone 7 failures as KIN, it is difficult for Microsoft to see their future in the mobile market.


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