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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Nokia Kinetic Concepts, Can 'Sit-ups'

Seeing the phone with the existing design might be a little boring. But what if a phone when you have to stand up and bowed. That is just incredible. It's known, is not limited to adult mobile communication device alone, but also complement the style.

Concept phones 'Sit-ups' that have inspired designer, Jeremy Innes-Hopkins for Nokia Kinetic. With this concept phone can respond to a variety of things to give notification to the user, with a mode of motion. For example, when the phone rings or new messages came in, then gradually phone can 'sit' to notify the user. Or, if there are missed calls (miscall) then the phone will move like a nod and then lay down again.

There are currently no detailed information on hardware specifications used. However, the kinetic functions of these phones will likely be accompanied by electromagnetic features, which are placed at the bottom of the phone as a counterweight.

This concept will be very useful if realized. Only, there is no clarity whether this kinetic concept would come true later.


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