Somewhat disappointing indeed of many smartphone applications, especially for Android, we often find important applications aka apps junk guns that seem crudely developed. But it must be acknowledged that created quite a lot too seriously and have a good quality, this time it appears again an application that seems to be made with a more serious purpose, namely, to help save lives.iOnRoad is the name of the application, if pronounced, the name sounds like the eye on the same road which roughly means 'eye attention to the road'. Yes that is what this application, he will be the eyes of both the driver of the vehicle in front of state attention. This seems like the right moment for a hobby you travel a lot.What kind of application works, let's consider the following brief review of TollThe application that we use here is the Lite version, so it can be directly downloaded for free in the Android Store. For the paid version is available for U.S. $ 5.06. The difference found in a few extra features and no ads.1. iOnRoad driver safety is an application that combines the use of GPS and augmented camera that keeps an eye on road conditions.
This application will give a warning to motorists whose vehicles distances less alert when they are too close to other vehicles.
2. Interface application displays a vertical bar on the left side of the screen that displays vehicle speed, the choice for phone, navigation, and music player. It looks great and simple to be easily accessible. And the rest of the load view camera monitor road conditions.
3. If you get annoyed with the display showing the state of the streets, you can replace it with a full icon display.
However, these applications will continue to provide information on how the distance your vehicle with the vehicle in front in units of distance or time.
4. When your vehicle is too close to the vehicle in front, the iOnRoad will give a warning sound, the screen will display a warning with a bright yellow background.
If the distance is getting closer, the voice warning will sound louder, and the screen displays a warning with a red background as a warning.
To use these applications on Android smartphone, you have to buy it separately mounting that can be embedded in the windshield for easy access to the street cameras and also your views.
6. Shortage of this application is when the vehicle runs on a bumpy road conditions (so that the vehicle wobbling) sensor becomes less responsive.
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