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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Polytron Ready to 'Steal' 10% share of the country Android Market

PT Hartono Istana Polytron Technologies as the manufacturer is ready to enliven the smartphone market competition homeland to set up a target to retain a 10% share of the Android market in the country. It was as revealed by Marketing Director Polytron, Tekno Wibowo.

Tekno expects sales growth in the second half of this year leads to the smartphone segment and predicted better because it supported the momentum Christmas and welcome the New Year.

"The need for mobile phone will likely rise ahead of the big day," he said after the opening display Tekno Polytron Mobile Phone in Erafone Jakarta.

Unlike in the segment of electronic devices, such as televisions, refrigerators, etc., Polytron name in the arena of competition smartphone market is not so famous. However, the seriousness of these local vendors can not seem to doubt, where it is ready to give color and enliven the market with two new smartphones that would have been prepared to achieve the target of proclaiming it.


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