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Thursday, November 22, 2012

February 2013, Samsung Will Reveal 8-Core ARM Processor

The development of mobile technology continues to rapidly accelerating. And, it is known that the current processor technology has reached the quad-core, which has a lot of embedded across multiple devices. But do stop here? Of course not.

Today would have been the vendors of mobile devices already planned many things for its future products, including the type of processor that will be used. An example is Samsung, which has prepared the evolutionary process of the processor, which will bring 8-core ARM chip. And, from the news circulated that the South Korean manufacturer will unveil its plan in the event the International Solid-State Circuits Conference, to be held on February 19 next year.

The idea of ​​evolution is apparently related to the "companion core, the core of the companion based on Tegra 3. Tegra 3 is a quad-core chip with a fifth companion core, used for lightweight performance process, in order to increase the battery life. While later on chip 8-core Samsung planned to be ARM Cortex-A15 1.8 GHz quad-core processor for high-level processing, plus Cortex-A7 1.2GHz quad-core for lightweight processing operations.

For the Cortex-A7 will implement 28 nanometer manufacturing process, which would make it five times smaller and more efficient than the Cortex-A8, which are currently used.

Unfortunately, until now there is no information on when this will be released processor system. To be sure, this will eventually be a new evolution in the world of mobile devices


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